Inspired by the ever evolving aviation industry and the commercial airlines upgrading their business strategies, there was an opportunity to establish a business to provide high quality products and services. Bringing fine products and services to the end users has always been quite challenging due to raw material availability, logistical support gaps, inconsistent consumption patterns, inconsistent quality output and above all economical viability. Such challenges created space for new business entrants. So, we established brand NOWARA and with a belief and vision to become best in the industry. By staying focussed on what we are good at, our team successfully found great business opportunities and success. In the last 15 years we achieved a few milestones to satisfy our customers and their guests. Our success story rests on the shoulders of our dedicated team and continuing to grow our business in the extended verticals and across the globe.

Nowara is committed towards becoming a preferred supplier to leading international airlines and hospitality chains. Incorporated in 2007, the company has grown from strength to strength and today serves award winning airlines, chartered airline operators and premier hotels, across a wide portfolio of in-flight and hospitality products. Nowara is based in Dubai in the Middle East, with invested infrastructure to manage high volume sourcing.

We are truly connected to delivering value to our customers. In all aspects of our business, we closely work with our customers , factories and supply chain partners to rethink every small change than can bring in greater value to our customers and delight to the end consumers. This means testing with new materials, resizing and reshaping as per need and optimizing production processes. Even our shipping undergoes scrutiny.

Today’s traveller enjoys comforts across multiple touch points. At Nowara, it is our continuos endeavor to try and understand consumer trends in travel and in comforts that seek to delight customers. Our design team does bespoke work for our clients that combine airline vision, customer choices, material innovation with practical design. A range of parameters are checked to ensure ease of use, life cycle of the product.

Sustainability : We endeavor to continuously work towards development of Eco-friendly products and the adoption of recycling technologies that will help build a stronger Planet Earth for the generations to come in line with Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
Giving Back : We would like to do our bit for the less fortunate in society in the areas of education for children and in supporting refugee programs
Empowerment : to help build or support platforms.

321, Schon Business Park,
Dubai Investment Park 1,
Dubai, UAE
Email: info@nowaragroup.com
Tel: +971 43436295
Unit D1, 11/f Wing Tat Comm Bldg 97, Bonham Strand East, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Email: info@nowaragroup.com
DH 320, Agenda St,
Oyibi-Accra, Ghana
Email: addasighanaltd@gmail.com
Tel: +233246112419